* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CCP Command Line Utilities * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The CCP Command Line Utilities let you perform many of the functions (such as sending and printing faxes and file transfers) provided by the CONNECT application. The CCP Command Line Utilities are: CCSEND filename... /P [option...] Sends one or more faxes or file transfers. CCSTAT [option...] Shows the contents of the queues and hardware status and runs diagnostics. CCANCEL [option...] Cancels events. CCDEL option... Deletes files in the queues. CCSAVEX directory option... Saves file transfers. CCSAVEF /E filename [option] Saves faxes. CCAPPEND filename [option...] Appends the contents of the log to a file. The rest of this document describes the utilities. NOTATIONAL CONVENTIONS: CCUTIL All caps means type the command or param- eter exactly as shown (except you can type the command or parameter in either upper- case or lowercase letters). option Substitute "option" with an entry from the "Options" list. < > Angle brackets surround some options to make them easier to read. Don't type the angle brackets (< >). ... You can select more than one parameter. Don't type the periods (...). [ ] Parameters inside brackets are optional. Don't type the brackets ([ ]). You can type all commands and parameters in either uppercase or lowercase letters. You can specify parameters in any order. For parameters that include a "/", you can substitute a "-" for the "/". For utilities requiring parameters, running the utility with no parameters will display the help screen. ============================================================ CCSEND filename... /P [option...] Sends the file or fax specified by "filename". "filename" may include a path (for example, c:\aim\guides.doc). /P is the phone number to send to. Use a comma for delay (for example, /p9,555-1212). Characters such as "-" and "( )" are ignored. can contain up to 40 characters. The default is no cover page. A cover page will be sent if you specify /L, /M, or /C. Options Action ------- ------ /L[] The logo file to send (faxes only). The /L without sends the default logo file you set up with SETUPCC. (You'll also get the default logo file if you incorrectly specify .) may include a path (for example, /lc:\connect\logo1.PCX). must be a PCX file. The cover page won't have a logo if you omit /L. /M"text" Cover page message, in quotes (for example, /m"Hi there"). You can't nest quotes. You can put up to 128 charac- ters on the command line, so "text" can be 128 characters minus the number of characters on the rest of the command line. /C Get a message for the cover page from the file specified by . may include a path (for example, /cb:\wp\letter.txt). must be an ASCII file. /D Date to send (for example, /d10/12/89). The default is the current date. Separate the month, day, and year with "/", not "-". /T Time to send (for example, /t13:30), in 24-hour format. The default is immediately. /X Send as a file transfer to another Connection CoProcessor. The default is send as a fax. /W Use wide (compressed 132-column) format (faxes only). The default is 80-column format. /H Use high-resolution (200x200 dpi) format (faxes only). The default is standard (100x200 dpi) resolution. /R Redirect messages returned by the utility to file OUTPUT.CC in the current directory. /? Display help information. ============================================================ CCSTAT [option...] Lets you view information about pending and completed events. By specifying the appropriate options, you can view information about the current event and the hardware status, run on-board diagnostics, and set the answer mode. Options Action ------- ------ /A Display answer mode (number of rings before Connection CoProcessor answers). /S Set answer mode, where = number of rings (for example, /s1). ranges from 0 to 255. /S0 means don't answer. /E Display status of the event specified by (for example, /e18109). CCAM (Connection CoProcessor Application Manager) assigns numbers to the events it processes. You can see the numbers of all send and receive events by typing "CCSTAT" with no options. /C Display information about current event. /N Display only new received events. (New events haven't been read, printed, or saved.) /L Display only logged (completed) events. /P Display only pending events. /D Run Connection CoProcessor on-board diagnostics. /H Display the Connection CoProcessor's hardware status. /R Redirect messages returned by the utility to the file OUTPUT.CC in the current directory. /? Display help information. ============================================================ CCANCEL [option...] Cancels the currently executing event, a specific pending event, or all pending events. Options Action ------- ------ /A Cancel the current event and all pending events. /E Cancel the event specified by . CCAM (Connection CoProcessor Application Manager) assigns numbers to the events it processes. You can see the numbers of all send and receive events by typing "CCSTAT" with no options. /C Confirm each event before it's canceled. /N Notify by listing events as they're canceled. /R Redirect messages returned by the utility to the file OUTPUT.CC in the current directory. /? Display help information. ============================================================ CCDEL option... Deletes received files and their corresponding log entries. The options let you delete errors from the log (/E), individual received files (/C), or all received (/A) files. Options Action ------- ------ /A Delete all received files. /E Delete all files associated with the event specified by (for example, /e15041). CCAM (Connection CoProcessor Application Manager) assigns numbers to the events it processes. You can see the numbers of all send and receive events by typing "CCSTAT" with no options. /L Delete all errors from the log. /C Confirm a file before it's deleted. /N Notify by listing events as they're deleted. /R Redirect messages returned by the utility to the file OUTPUT.CC in the current directory. /? Display help information. ============================================================ CCPRINT filename... Prints the PCX or DCX file specified by "filename" on the printer you set up with SETUPCC. "filename" may include a path (for example, c:\connect\lions.dcx). ============================================================ CCQPRINT [option...] Prints all received faxes and ASCII, PCX, and DCX file transfers on the printer you set up with SETUPCC. CCQPRINT doesn't print executable files or other types of binary files. The options let you selectively delete jobs as they're printed. Options Action ------- ------ /P Print only faxes, not file transfers. /A Delete all faxes and files after printing them. /F Delete only faxes after printing. Print file transfers (unless you specify /P) but don't delete them. /X Delete only file transfers after printing. Print faxes but don't delete them. /? Display help information. ============================================================ CCAPRINT [option...] Automatically prints all received faxes and ASCII, PCX, and DCX file transfers as they arrive. CCAPRINT runs in the foreground until you turn it off by pressing the Esc key. This utility is especially useful to leave on when you go home. CCAPRINT doesn't print received events that are already in the queue. The options let you selectively delete files as they're printed. Options Action ------- ------ /A Delete all faxes and files after printing them. /F Delete only faxes after printing. Print file transfers (unless you specify /P) but don't delete them. /X Delete only file transfers after printing. Print faxes but don't delete them. /P Print only faxes, not file transfers. /? Display help information. ============================================================ CCSAVEX directory option... Saves a file transfer received from a Connection CoProcessor. The file can be saved to any existing directory on any disk drive (for example, c:\reports). If you specify the /A option, CCSAVEX will save ALL file transfers in the receive queue to the specified directory. Options Action ------- ------ /A Save all received files to "directory". If the file already exists, you'll be prompted for overwrite permission. /E Save file transfer(s) associated with the event specified by (for example, /e16032). CCAM (Connection CoProcessor Application Manager) assigns numbers to the events it pro- cesses. You can see the numbers of all send and receive events by typing "CCSTAT" with no options. /C Confirm each file before saving. /N Notify by listing files as they're saved. /R Redirect messages returned by the utility to the file OUTPUT.CC in the current directory. /? Display help information. ============================================================ CCSAVEF /E filename [option] Save a fax received from a Connection CoProcessor or Group III fax machine as the file specified by "filename". "filename" may include a path (for example, c:\wp\sales.fax). /E saves the event specified by (for example, /e16041). CCAM (Connection CoProcessor Application Manager) assigns numbers to the events it processes. You can see the numbers of all send and receive events by typing "CCSTAT" with no options. Options Action ------- ------ /R Redirect messages returned by the utility to the file OUTPUT.CC in the current directory. /? Display help information. ============================================================ CCAPPEND filename [option...] Appends the contents of the log to the specified "filename", in ASCII format. If "filename" doesn't exist, it is created. "filename" may include a path (for example, c:\sales\record.txt). The headers from the log file are added (once) to the top of "filename". Options Action ------- ------ /C Clear log after appending, allowing CCAM (Connection CoProcessor Application Manager) to operate more efficiently. /T Put a tab between fields (tab delimiter). Headers from the log file aren't included when you choose this option. /, Put a comma between fields (comma delimiter). Headers from the log file aren't included when you choose this option. /R Redirect messages returned by the utility to the file OUTPUT.CC in the current directory. /? Display help information. INTEL provides this software as a service to its customers. INTEL does not ensure the accuracy of the information or programs provided. INTEL recommends that the user double check the accuracy of the information or programs prior to use. THE INFORMATION AND PROGRAMS PROVIDED ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITH NO WARRANTY. IN NO EVENT WILL INTEL BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS OF PROFITS, LOSS OF USE, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, IRRESPECTIVE OF WHETHER INTEL HAS ADVANCE NOTICE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.